Class CipherSuite

The Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) ciphersuite, which is implemented using only Web Cryptography API.

This class is the same as @hpke/core#CipherSuiteNative as follows: which supports only the ciphersuites that can be implemented on the native Web Cryptography API. Therefore, the following cryptographic algorithms are not supported for now:

  • DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256)
  • DHKEM(X448, HKDF-SHA512)
  • ChaCha20Poly1305

In addtion, the HKDF functions contained in this CipherSuiteNative class can only derive keys of the same length as the hashSize.

If you want to use the unsupported cryptographic algorithms above or derive keys longer than the hashSize, please use hpke-js#CipherSuite.

This class provides following functions:

The calling of the constructor of this class is the starting point for HPKE operations for both senders and recipients.

import {
} from "@hpke/core";

const suite = new CipherSuite({
kem: new DhkemP256HkdfSha256(),
kdf: new HkdfSha256(),
aead: new Aes128Gcm(),
import { Aes128Gcm, HkdfSha256, CipherSuite } from "@hpke/core";
import { DhkemX25519HkdfSha256 } from "@hpke/dhkem-x25519";
const suite = new CipherSuite({
kem: new DhkemX25519HkdfSha256(),
kdf: new HkdfSha256(),
aead: new Aes128Gcm(),


  • CipherSuiteNative
    • CipherSuite



_api: SubtleCrypto = undefined



  • Decrypts a message from a sender.

    If the error occurred, throws DecapError | DeserializeError | OpenError | ValidationError.


    • params: RecipientContextParams

      A set of parameters for building a recipient encryption context.

    • ct: ArrayBuffer

      An encrypted text as bytes to be decrypted.

    • aad: ArrayBuffer = EMPTY

      Additional authenticated data as bytes fed by an application.

    Returns Promise<ArrayBuffer>

    A decrypted plain text as bytes.