

A TypeScript Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) module extension for DH-KEM with X448, which is implemented by using @noble/curves

Documentation: deno.land | pages (only for the latest ver.)




Using npm:

npm install @hpke/dhkem-x448

Using yarn:

yarn add @hpke/dhkem-x448


Using deno.land:

// use a specific version
import * as hpke from "https://deno.land/x/hpke@1.2.7/core/mod.ts";
import * as x448 from "https://deno.land/x/hpke@1.2.7/x/dhkem-x448/mod.ts";

// use the latest stable version
import * as hpke from "https://deno.land/x/hpke/core/mod.ts";
import * as x448 from "https://deno.land/x/hpke/x/dhkem-x448/mod.ts";

Web Browsers

Followings are how to use this module with typical CDNs. Other CDNs can be used as well.

Using esm.sh:

<!-- use a specific version -->
<script type="module">
import * as hpke from "https://esm.sh/@hpke/core@1.2.7";
import * as x448 from "https://esm.sh/@hpke/dhkem-x448@1.2.7";
// ...

<!-- use the latest stable version -->
<script type="module">
import * as hpke from "https://esm.sh/@hpke/core";
import * as x448 from "https://esm.sh/@hpke/dhkem-x448";
// ...

Using unpkg:

<!-- use a specific version -->
<script type="module">
import * as hpke from "https://unpkg.com/@hpke/core@1.2.7/esm/mod.js";
import * as x448 from "https://unpkg.com/@hpke/dhkem-x448@1.2.7/esm/mod.js";
// ...

Cloudflare Workers

git clone git@github.com:dajiaji/hpke-js.git
cd hpke-js/x/dhkem-x448
npm install -g esbuild
deno task dnt
deno task minify > $YOUR_SRC_PATH/hpke-dhkem-x448.js


This section shows some typical usage examples.


import { Aes256Gcm, CipherSuite, HkdfSha512 } from "@hpke/core";
import { DhkemX448HkdfSha512 } from "@hpke/dhkem-x448";
// const { DhkemX448HkdfSha512 } = require("@hpke/dhkem-x448");

async function doHpke() {
// setup
const suite = new CipherSuite({
kem: new DhkemX448HkdfSha512(),
kdf: new HkdfSha512(),
aead: new Aes256Gcm(),

const rkp = await suite.kem.generateKeyPair();

const sender = await suite.createSenderContext({
recipientPublicKey: rkp.publicKey,

// encrypt
const ct = await sender.seal(new TextEncoder().encode("Hello world!"));

const recipient = await suite.createRecipientContext({
recipientKey: rkp.privateKey,
enc: sender.enc,

// decrypt
const pt = await recipient.open(ct);

// Hello world!
console.log(new TextDecoder().decode(pt));

try {
} catch (err) {
console.log("failed:", err.message);


import { KdfId, AeadId, CipherSuite } from "https://deno.land/x/hpke@1.2.7/core/mod.ts";
import { DhkemX448HkdfSha512 } from "https://deno.land/x/hpke@1.2.7/x/dhkem-x448/mod.ts";

async function doHpke() {
// setup
const suite = new CipherSuite({
kem: new DhkemX448HkdfSha512(),
kdf: new HkdfSha512(),
aead: new Aes256Gcm(),

const rkp = await suite.kem.generateKeyPair();

const sender = await suite.createSenderContext({
recipientPublicKey: rkp.publicKey,

// encrypt
const ct = await sender.seal(new TextEncoder().encode("Hello world!"));

const recipient = await suite.createRecipientContext({
recipientKey: rkp.privateKey,
enc: sender.enc,

// decrypt
const pt = await recipient.open(ct);

// Hello world!
console.log(new TextDecoder().decode(pt));

try {
} catch (_err: unknown) {


<script type="module">
import { Aes256Gcm, CipherSuite, HkdfSha512 } from "https://esm.sh/@hpke/core@1.2.7";
import { DhkemX448HkdfSha512 } from "https://esm.sh/@hpke/dhkem-x448@1.2.7";

globalThis.doHpke = async () => {
try {
const suite = new CipherSuite({
kem: new DhkemX448HkdfSha512(),
kdf: new HkdfSha512(),
aead: new Aes256Gcm(),

const rkp = await suite.kem.generateKeyPair();

const sender = await suite.createSenderContext({
recipientPublicKey: rkp.publicKey

// encrypt
const ct = await sender.seal(new TextEncoder().encode("Hello world!"));

const recipient = await suite.createRecipientContext({
recipientKey: rkp.privateKey, // rkp (CryptoKeyPair) is also acceptable.
enc: sender.enc,

// decrypt
const pt = await recipient.open(ct);

// Hello world!
alert(new TextDecoder().decode(pt));
} catch (err) {
alert("failed:", err);
<button type="button" onclick="doHpke()">do HPKE</button>


We welcome all kind of contributions, filing issues, suggesting new features or sending PRs.

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